Friday, May 27, 2011

MacLaren is a boss.

He's amazingly awesome and could beat anyone in a 1v5. He could beat hotshotGG in a 1v2 and get a pentakill. Like he could totally do some stuff and get some more kills and do more stuff. He is the most interesting man in the world.

If he were an ice cream he'd be chocolate, because everyone likes him. Except for fags because they don't like chocolate. Wait that makes no sense. Nevermind he'd be vanilla because he's so plain and no one can hate him. That's better.

He did not ask me to write this. That's a lie, don't say that.

Also rawmeat3000 is awesome.

Anyway, for real. His video is here if you haven't seen it and play league of legends. Which is a 10% chance.

I feel so dirty for this post.


  1. I love your style of writing, and you really made me want ice cream.

  2. He died a couple of times.. but that looks good enough for me!

  3. This game looks pretty cool, I think I'll try it out

  4. I don't normaly play games but when I do, i like to play Anivia.

  5. Really great writing with that video.

  6. Really great writing with that video. normaly play games, i like to play Anivia.I really like McLaurens style! Complete badass

  7. I gave the game a whirl wilst HoN was down, unfortunately, i'll be going back to HoN.

  8. Yeah he's got some damn good skill. Audio is okay.

  9. add borgusmalorgus if you're prepared to play with a shitty mundo :P

  10. Looks like a freak, really nice micromanagement.

  11. I dont really know about this game, but fairplay

  12. I can never understand these games. No matter how hard I try. :(

  13. Nice! Though I have to admit I don't like chocolate ice cream. I love chocolate itself though! And vanilla ice cream! Does that make up for it?

  14. I found hard to belive that it's even possible to defeat 5 vs 1 without some serious sabotaging in larger team. I don't say he hasn't got skills but 5 vs 1 that game is writen in way that prevents that outcome


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